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Do's and Don'ts for Winter Horse Riding

There are many things that can affect riding in the winter — weather, light, the dreaded snow. Here are a few tips and reminders of what to do during the winter months when riding...


  • You do not have to clean every patch of your horse every time you ride — it’s only essential that there is no mud where the tack sits.
  • To get your horse clipped appropriately for the amount of work over the winter. It will make grooming easier and reduce the likelihood of a sweat wet, hairy horse after riding.
  • To invest in a turnout rug that goes up the neck, not only will it keep the horse warm, but it will also help keep your horse clean
  • When turning you horse out, plait the tail into a hunting knot to prevent a muddy mess.
  • Experiment with coat shine products to help prevent the mud from sticking to your horse’s coat, mane and tail.

And don’t forget to:

  • Use an exercise blanket to keep your horse warm and avoid any injuries caused by tight, cold muscles.
  • Increase usual warm-up and warm-down times.
  • Warm up the horse’s bit before putting it in their mouth.
  • Take a hoofpick with you if it is snowy and some Vaseline.
  • Discuss road studs with your farrier.
  • Work out what your horse is capable of and do not push your horse beyond its fitness level, or you could cause an injury.
  • Offer tepid, ( two parts cold water to one part boiling water) not ice-cold water to your horse after exercise

winter horse