About us

About Contact Left
Contact Left is a family run business and It was set up by a soldier who was teaching military promotion courses and noticed the lack of correct kit and equipment amongst his students and also the need for improved teaching resources.
The second partner used her extensive knowledge of teaching to help develop resources and ensure customer satisfaction.
Between them they have traveled extensively, both within the military and for recreational outdoor activities. Destinations include Vietnam, Norway (Arctic Warfare Training), Brunei (Jungle Warfare Training), Jordan (Desert and Mountain Training), USA (Combined Arms Training with the US Marines), India, Iraq (Operationally), Denmark, Sweden, Gambia, Kenya, Sierra Leone (Operationally) and all UK training areas with extensive time spent at Dartmoor, Brecon and Leek).
Between the partners they have passed a range of qualifications including All Arms Commando Course, Skill at Arms Instructor, Civilian Range Conducting Officer, Military First Aid Instructor, Military MLT, Honours Degree, Certificate in Education to name only a few. Both have studied at Masters level.
Currently one of the partners also lecturers in Expedition Skills, Outdoor Activities, Major Incident Planning, Teamwork, Uniformed Service Employment, Communication and Technology, Land Navigation and Map Reading.
The other partner handles the day to day running of the business including traveling and testing kit and equipment in her spare time.
Contact Left are committed to ensuring you receive a good experience when shopping with us and welcome all enquiries from everyone.
Contact Left is committed to providing a wide range of kit and equipment from specialist military personnel to cadets and outdoor recreational enthusiasts. Contact Left welcomes bulk orders from large institutions and will ensure good discounts are given in these areas.