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Building a Camp Fire + Camp Fire Safety



Where to build your camp fire

A fire can be used for warmth, protection and for cooking.

If on a campsite check the campsite rules and always use an existing fire pit or specified location.

Ensure you keep the fire away from tent walls, shrubs, trees and anything else that might easily catch fire. If you are building a fire within a wooded area or forest beware of any low over hanging branches.

Choose a spot that is out of any windy areas

If camping build the fire at least 10 metres from the tent

Building your camp fire

Collect suitable dead wood from surrounding area – try not to cut branches or take items off live trees.

Choose suitable wood for the fire, some like birch is ideal for starting the fire but others woods are better for a slow long burn (See chart below)

You will need 3 types of wood

Tinder (small twigs, dry leaves or grass, dry needles)

Kindling (sticks smaller than 1" around)

Fuel (larger pieces of wood)

Circle your fire pit with rocks

Have a bucket of water next to the fire.


Starting the fire

There are lots of types of fire you can build (see picture below)


Use matches, lighter, fire steel, friction fire lighting or any other way you know to light the fire.

First set fire to the tinder and then add the kindling on top ensuring there is enough oxygen to keep the fire going (remember the fire triangle)

Once the kindling has got going add the larger fuel items as and when needed. Ensure you keep adding enough so the fire does not go out.


Keeping the fire going

Once you have started strong fire going, add larger pieces of dry wood to keep it burning steadily

Keep your fire to a manageable size

Make sure children and pets are supervised when near the fire

Extinguishing the Camp Fire

If possible allow the fire to completely burn out.

Pour water on the fire until all embers have burnt out (even ones that aernt red may still flare up again) all hissing should stop. Then pour more water on it.

Stir the campfire ashes and embers with a shovel

Before you leave the fire it should be cold to touch.

If you have no water pour dirt, sand etc on top of it and stir it round. Do not bury the fire as it may continue to burn and set fire to the roots.

All your camping and outdoor equipment can be bought here